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Our pullets ('teenager' hens, usually 2 months old) are fully feathered and ready for your outdoor coop. We find this age is best for both you and the pullet. They are young enough to be a pet and old enough to survive without special attention such as a heat lamp. Also, roosters are easily discernible at this age, so you know that you are bringing home a pullet and not a rooster. It's generally best to give them a month in a separate enclosure before you introduce them to older hens. They are old enough to go out into a run but try to make sure it's covered (lightweight blueberry netting is fine) to protect against hawks and other predators. Always make sure they are safely locked in the coop at night due to nocturnal predator risks.
We recommend that your pullets be fed a "Non-medicated" starter/grower crumble feed until they are 4 months old. We feed Nutrena Naturewise. After that, switch to layer feed. Our hens prefer "crumble" feed as opposed to pellets. Your pullets should start laying around 5 - 6 months of age. You may want to supplement their diet with crushed oyster shells (available from feed stores), fresh kitchen fruit & vegetable scraps (but no avocados!) and meal worms. Our hens especially enjoy tomatoes, lettuce, watermelon and strawberries. They also enjoy pecking at a Purina Flock Block.
All our chicks are from an NPIP (National Poultry Improvement Program) certified hatchery that is Avian Influenza and Salmonella free. We raise them from two-day-old chicks with plenty of TLC and expert care on our farm. All have been Marek’s Disease and Coccidiosis vaccinated. Use pine shavings in your coop and nesting boxes. Cedar shavings can cause respiratory problems. Straw can become a habitat for mites.
We generally have pullets available for sale but quantities are limited. Be sure to pre-order if you are interested in a particular date or special breeds. Some of our favorite breeds to raise are Barred Rocks, Easter Eggers, Cream Legbars, Lavender Orpingtons, Black Australorps, Buff Orpingtons, Speckled Sussex, Cochins, Marans, Welsummers, Olive Eggers and Blue Laced Gold Wyandottes.
Refund policy: We hope you won't have to cancel your order but we understand that things can change. Cancel anytime up to 2 weeks before pickup date for a complete refund less 3% processing fees. For late cancellations (defined as 14 days or less until scheduled pickup), you will be refunded 50% of your payment amount.
Send us a message to set up an appointment to pick out your pullets, email us at