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We love our chickens! We began with a small flock in 2009 and have expanded to providing backyard ready pullets and free-range farm fresh eggs. We take the health and happiness of our flock seriously. Our chickens are fed a premium vegetarian diet and they have plenty of room to roost. Heidi's career as a Veterinarian ensures that our flock is healthy and we participate in North Carolina’s Sentinel Flock Program
Our hens are:
-Free-range with access to woods and pasture
-Fed a premium vegetarian diet
-Humanely raised and cared for with love
Our free-range flock is mainly made up of Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, Ameraucanas, Olive Eggers, Black Stars, Cinnamon Queens and Buff Orpingtons. We also have 15 handsome and sweet-tempered roosters along with some fun breeds such as Polish, Wyandottes and Cochins. We provide them with a 2 acre fenced area protected by our two Great Pyrenees dogs, fresh water, premium layer pellets, oyster shells and scratch grains. They are closed up every night and let out at Sunrise. Our focus is on Heritage breeds of large brown egg layers and Ameraucanas (for blue eggs). We also have Guinea fowl who are excellent guard “dogs” and tick controllers, two geese, as well as a gaggle of Ducks.
Free range eggs hand gathered -- can include blue, brown and white eggs.